Tuesday, April 25


I'm in the process of moving the website to a new, cheaper, better company.

AdiosUSA is mostly up and running.
Everything else is pending.

Dial-A-Shot will not be returning. I'm going to pull out the pics that I think are worth seeing and put the rest in storage. If there is something you want from the old site just email me. I'll try to find it.


At 4:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But analysis discovers that, in many other dreams in whose manifest content nothing erotic can be found, the work of interpretation shows them up as, in reality, realization of sexual desires; whilst, on the other hand, that much of the thought-making when awake, the thoughts saved us as surplus http://startso11.info/eurofinanse.html from the day only, reaches presentation in dreams with the help of repressed erotic desires.. Occasionally, also, he said: Albert has not done http://rebestal.info/carrfour.html that.. The two girls settled http://startso11.info/NASTAPOL.html themselves noisily on the upper step.. He once heard a lecture of mine delivered to a small assemblage, on the novel http://startso11.info/tonogram.html subject of the dream as the fulfillment of a wish.. Besides those symbols, which are just as frequent for the male as for the female genitals, there are others which http://startso11.info/ejo.html preponderately, or almost exclusively, designate one of the sexes, and there are still others of which only the male or only the female signification is known.. 8 because I found some experiences which I do not wish strangers to know, and which I could not relate without http://startso11.info/www.ping+pong%2Cpl.html serious damage to important considerations.. The Colonel's moist, http://startso11.info/opinia+opiekuna+praktyk+studenckich.html beady eyes swept silently over his client's sallow face.. Hotchkiss was here seized by one of those important and inconsistent rages http://startso11.info/CADEXPERT.html which occasionally betray the habitually cautious and timid man.. Just set their baggage outside and tell them http://startso11.info/jan+peszek.html the rooms are occupied.. I swan I thought you folks 'u'd never come to yore senses. http://startso11.info/kurek+karolina.html. On the smaller one my surname stood in the place where the painter's signature should be; it seemed to be intended for my birthday http://storyah44.info/radio+elka+mied%C5%BC.html present.. Sure! Ross returned to his http://startso11.info/www+luminar+dekoracje+slubne.eu.html more familiar jeering attitude.. No--said Edward--they called me a prig. http://startso11.info/ROST%C3%93W.html. Why is his way of spelling like the floor of an http://startso11.info/lm+studio-modeling.html oven? Because it is under bread.. Still, the Widow Stimson sometimes wondered why the deacon was so blind as http://startso11.info/Konin+Sklep+modelarski.html not to see how her fine farm adjoining his equally fine place on the outskirts of the town might not be brought under one management with mutual benefit to both parties at interest.. After this, Master Horner made his own http://rebestal.info/sarenki.com.html bargain.. 121 Madison Avenue, http://startso11.info/piersza+milosc.html New York.. Republished in the volume, Sixes and Sevens http://startso11.info/gazeta+wyborcza+praca.html (1911), by O.. This is the http://startso11.info/mpk+suchy+las.html sell ! he exclaimed, pointing to the outside prospect.. I do not believe Mrs. http://startso11.info/o%C5%9Brodek+nad+morzem.html..


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